Azienda Agricola PAVONE - Offer production and sale of made in Italy PRICIA CARMINGO® apricots International

MADE-IN-ITALY QUALITY The PAVONE farm in Apulia not only grows and markets high quality table grapes, but now also offers its special varieties of APRICOT.

Azienda Agricola PAVONE - Offer production and sale of made in Italy PRICIA CARMINGO® apricots. Apricot variety very famous for its earliness and productivity. Self-fertile variety that adapts well to rather cold climates, thanks to which it loses acidity. Very intense colouring and correct harvesting is recommended in order not to be too immature.

TREE: medium-high vigour, semi-erect habit and very good fruiting.

FLOWERING: Medium, self-fertile variety.

MATURATION: Extremely early, around mid-May.

FRUIT: elliptical shape and variable size from 2A to 3A, orange colour intense with red blush on 50% of the surface. Good-tasting fruit, a little acidic 12-13° Brix.


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